Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Forever baby and how he trys me!!!

So this is my James also known as Jamers, stinker , and you little squirt. so I have come to the forgone conclusion that in Heaven James and I were best friends. He must have came to me and said I want you to be my mom on the earth. Heavenly Father says that for my protection I am going to have to be special needs. What James failed to tell me was all the ways that he was going to try me while we are here. LOL here are just a few things that have happen today a lone and this is a light day with James.

6 am he wakes up and makes his own way to the kitchen and helps himself to cereal

6:15 am Mommy hears him finds the mess and sends him back to bed cleans up the mess " sets the motion detectors to keep him in his room

6:30 and - 7:30 he pulls all the sheets and blankets off his bed " He torn the blinds down last night so that was done already"

7:30 when his screaming at a loud pitch woke all the other kids up he came down and thinks he needs yet 2nd breakfast " He was a Hobbit in his last life"

9:30 he helps himself to the shower while we are all cleaning up the kitchen. " James can be very loud at moments and others you just won't hear him sneak away. this was one of the sneak away moment By the time we noticed he had dumped out almost a whole bottle of his shampoo after the shower while i am cleaning the soap up he heads to the kitchen for more food!

10:30 after we changed him back out of his Pj's twice " he loves Pj's"we went to a book reading at the Farmers market where he gave us the potty sign 20 time to get out of setting at the reading and also hovered over the water fountain any chance he could get. then we found out that their was warm air coming out the side of the fountain and that he was into that more than the h2o. While walking in the market he did what ever he could to reach out and touch any dog passing he could see. On the way there he undid his seat belt at least a half a dozen times. Screamed and spit on the other kids, he did that on the way home to! He also has a thing about chewing on the seat belt all the time.

11:00 we made a trip to the book store to get our weekly free book. He attempted to try and tear all the books on the shelves off. It is a book store there are a lot he could go for!When we kept a hand on him he screamed in protest to the event. ' Needless to say I picked out the book for him"

11:45 it was a fight to get him in the car and he was hot but did not want Ice water to drink so he pitch the water bottle at Athena head. On the way home he pooped his pants even after all the potty attempts

12:00 we had lunch at sonic and got him a grill cheese sandwich. he dived into it making a big mess in the car. Protested that he has cherry sprite and took everyone of the kids drinks away from them at one point to sneak a drink to only find out that he has the same thing the did. however he back washed and that drives us nuts.

12:45 we made it home however James did not want to lay down so that was a fight full blown. James stands under my chin now he is a big guy trying fighting him to lay down. it took a few minutes but he did lay down only to try as hard has he could to poop his pants again in protest

2:00 kept trying to go out side but because of the ants that we just spray for out side we said no. you see James loves to float bags all over the place you know the shopping bags you get at wal mart

3:00 he got back in the shower after we could not get him to settle down and was in the shower playing till 4;00 and the hot water ran out. then he had a snack. oh ya he got to the soap again and dumped more out

4:00 he got hold of paper and tore it up then threw it over the balcony like it was snow flakes so we had to vacuum the down stairs

4:30 he tore up the flowers on the table. Edward gave them to me last week so they where almost dead anyway. all this time the wind has picked up outside and he keeps trying to go outside with the bags

5:00 went got a baby doll and tried to give it a message with the back messager and then turn on cartoons.

6:22 we have just been trying to keep him inside he is tossing a marble down the hall on the tile to watch it bounce. we are making Dinner now and I am putting him to bed in less than an hour.

here is what I have to say! Anyone who says anything about my having hired help or that post judgement on me like I don't take care about caring for my kids because I have a nanny to raise my children. Can KISS MY GRITS. a child like James has to be cared for with detail, stray a little and he gets into stuff God has entrusted me and with him and these other children. just because I have the grace and wisdom to know that I need help in order to be a stress free mom who can give attention to children the way they need. Everychild should have the chance for one on one attention having paid help does not mean I have walked away from my post as the mother to my children. I have had people say things that they know nothing about. I would like to see anyone of them take on a child like this and see them make it. You see there is a saying God never gives you any more than you can handle. Most of you out there cant handle something like this that is why you will never have to face it. That goes for Family to who have very little to nothing to do with the situation. I have been dealing with this child going on 12 years. I love every part of it. I do get worn down it has been hard to deal with so many issues for one little person but, I have learn to ask for help. the best part of it is when James comes up to me at night and points to his cheek for a kiss goodnight. That makes me know that in the end of all this it is all going to be ok. I look forward to the day that I get to met my son James after this world when he is made perfect. I know that he is going to have so much to share with me and tell me. For now I will just watch him as he explores his world and enjoys the simple things most of us take for granit, like the wind.

Dress up with mommy!

So today for fun I pulled out my old wedding gown. I have had a goal to be able to wear it again by this next week. I am off a few buttons on the top! Not because I didn't try but because since I have had children the Lord blessed me with more. It has been a lot of work but, I am so glad I put the efforts into working out as hard as I have to loose the weight. I was 175 pounds when we move to Las Cruces two years ago I am now at 135. It has been worth all the efforts. Athena and Arwen of course where amazed at the dress so I allowed them to try it on. It is funny because I had this thought, wow! these pictures will be fun to add to the video when they really do get married. I am sure that before long I will look back on this moment and cry. For now however it was a great time to teach the girls and Austin about making good chooses and how I am so proud that I was married in a white gown and in the temple... I want more than anything for my children to Marry well into a family that loves them and accepts them for who they are. Edward is my sole mate all the way and our life together is amazing. We have done all that we have on our own and we are a team. protecting and rearing our family is the greatest thing we are doing on this earth. This moment with my Children today was worth all the wait to stand in front of them and tell them about that. I loved seeing the girls eyes glimmer with delight at the whole " My mommy is a Princes thing!" while trying the dress on it was a lot like playing dress up as a child. A moment now that I will Cherish always as an adult.

A Lot Of Summer Fun

A Family Trip to Nebraska