Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dress up with mommy!

So today for fun I pulled out my old wedding gown. I have had a goal to be able to wear it again by this next week. I am off a few buttons on the top! Not because I didn't try but because since I have had children the Lord blessed me with more. It has been a lot of work but, I am so glad I put the efforts into working out as hard as I have to loose the weight. I was 175 pounds when we move to Las Cruces two years ago I am now at 135. It has been worth all the efforts. Athena and Arwen of course where amazed at the dress so I allowed them to try it on. It is funny because I had this thought, wow! these pictures will be fun to add to the video when they really do get married. I am sure that before long I will look back on this moment and cry. For now however it was a great time to teach the girls and Austin about making good chooses and how I am so proud that I was married in a white gown and in the temple... I want more than anything for my children to Marry well into a family that loves them and accepts them for who they are. Edward is my sole mate all the way and our life together is amazing. We have done all that we have on our own and we are a team. protecting and rearing our family is the greatest thing we are doing on this earth. This moment with my Children today was worth all the wait to stand in front of them and tell them about that. I loved seeing the girls eyes glimmer with delight at the whole " My mommy is a Princes thing!" while trying the dress on it was a lot like playing dress up as a child. A moment now that I will Cherish always as an adult.

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