Thursday, June 19, 2008

A long Thought! The Rest of the Story

There is a talk show raido host that most of us know name Paul Harvey. He has this famous line " And Now for the rest of the Story."So here is the rest of the story as most of you don't know about. Edward and I where set to adopt a baby girl in April. Aidens birth mom had come to us in Sept of last year telling us that she was having another baby and that she felt it was only right to place this baby up for adoption with her brother. Edward and I both felt that this would be an amazing gift to Aiden to have his full blooded little sister with the same hands or feet ect. We just felt like it was a gift to him so we accepted to adopt the baby. We spent the rest of the time getting ready to have this new baby girl in our home. We trusted that there was a high chance that sherry would be one way or right the other. meaning she would keep her or place her with ease. All of our children knew of the adoption it was something that we talked about openly because of the two natural children that still remain with Sherry. These children where offten in my home and I love them so much. All of our children where open and ready for this and so where we. On March 15th she waved and made the choose to keep the baby whom she named Emma. The little girl was born on April the 3rd. Sherry kept her for two months then made a choose to give her up much to everyone shock. Edward and I where on our trip to see my parents at Boys Town for a photo shoot with Boys town. I had been ask to do this story and shoot months ago for the national magazine they put out. During our trip Sherry " The Birth Mom" says she tried to reach us to give the baby to us. But things just fell apart on them. We had spent the nine months helping them out here and there and the church had given them more assistant than any of the members had. Sherry lived ten min from my door right here in Las Cruses but, made it to Iowa to do the adoption for a couple in Maryland. she says she tried to contact me via TeX and when I did not respond because I did not get them. they called an adoption agency while we where gone and placed the baby with a couple in Maryland in the state of Iowa. I talk to her on the phone right after she had sign the papers but at that point she claims it was to late to back out and how she wish she would have tried harder and that things could be different. Days later she got a new phone and started sending photos of the new Truck they had ect.... I will leave you all to know how they got the money for it. Did it hurt! Yes!! Does it still? Yes!! We have an area all set up for the baby that I still have not taken down. We had a name for her and even had picked out a blessing gown. I know that I cannot set around and think about the Should of,Would of, coulda game, It does me no Good at all. I still talk to her via tex she is suffering from her choose at this point but, she made her bed and will have to lay in it. however there is a since of loss with this whole thing that I was not expecting. I was ok emotionally With Sherry keeping the baby or with the baby being here with Aiden and our family. I was not prepared for this two months after the baby was born. Today I was able to see how much it has affected the kids. You see we had a Girl name Lauren who has work for me for going on over a year and a half. She had her first baby a month and a half ago. just a few weeks after Emma was born. I feel a special bond to Lauren and her baby Jenny because I was her Doula during Jenny's birth. It was amazing to be in the room with her and her husband Mike and see them become a family at that moment. " Can I just Say I love being a Doula!" Today Lauren and her Husband Mike went up to Gym Magic with me to drop off Cup cakes for Austins Birthday. This was the first time that the kids have seen the baby. The reactions all of them had was so sweet. I was able to see that they where feeling a since of that loss of an expected baby sister who is not here now. Athena talked about it with me before bed tonight. We talked about how God had a plan for Emma and that her plan needed to be with the family that has her now. Her and Arwen cried about it a little! It was hard to see this because as a mother you want to protect your children from these kind of things. But it is what it is! I was willing to accept this baby into my life but it was not Gods plan, I did that accepting with Faith that the Lord knew what was best. I am willing to accept what ever else Our Heavenly Father trows at me with that same Faith. I just hope that I am able to prepare my sweet Aiden when he has to face is past head on. I ask God to give me the wisdom to know how to. It is a lot to think about. But I would change nothing about taking my sweet Aiden getting to know his sister Mya and Jesse a little more while they where here and being able to let him know I tried brings me peace Aiden he is my son now was in heaven and will forever be.... I love being his MOMMY. I love having a big family. People miss out that don't. There is so much love with us and in our home And from these pictures my children loving being big brothers and sisters.

Swing Low Swing High

We made the choose a week ago when our girl that helped us with the kids had to go to put our kids in a summer program that they have been in before called Gym Magic. We love this place!!! you can check them out on their web page to learn more about them at http://gymmagic.com/ We used this program for three years now for summer and it is amazing. Arwen will stay in the pre school part called Ashleys Garden for the rest of the year to get her ready for school. I love it because two times a week they get swim lessons three times a week Gymnastics and two times a week Dance. It is a great program! Athena loves it and seems to be making lots of friends as well Here she is on the playground today

A Lot Of Summer Fun

A Family Trip to Nebraska