Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tague Team and UFO'S

Wow! OK so Roswell New Mexico in a world all it's own... Yesterday Sucked for me I ended up in the hospital with some issues and now on heavy pain meds. Edward needed to make a trip to Roswell to call on an account so, he made the decision to drag the Kids and I along on his adventure. Let me tell you it was an adventure too! I was not sure if i was tripping on the town or if the pain meds the Doctors gave me where doing a great job!!! perhaps a little of both ? either way it made for a great time to see all that this famous crazy little town had to offer. ' It was not much, everything closed at 5pm, and the people seem to have had way to many experiments preformed on them" By Aliens of course! Then again maybe it was the Atom Bomb that was set off in that area that made them all so strange. We made it home with NO UFO sightings so now we will just have to settle for the things that make you go hummmmm! If you have never stop and just looked around in Roswell let me suggest. You have not lived life until you do. I am not saying that is was all that because it is just not. But, The kids had a good time and it did make the wounder... So for the fun of it I recommend it!

A Lot Of Summer Fun

A Family Trip to Nebraska