Friday, June 27, 2008

Something I am Proud off

So here is the story. At Christmas time I had a plant given to me by Scott, . He was the camera man on big movies such as things one most of you would know would be Pirates Of The Caribbean. He was working on the Burning Plain when I met him and came to a christmas party that we hosted. When I open the door and seen him and Richard standing there holding this Plant I was so delighted.I loved this plant so much and it was amazing ,lovely, and BIG. The next morning after our Christmas party Aiden tore it up " I cried over a PLANT! a stupid Plant!" Well when Scott found out what happen he replaced it with two smaller ones. I have been so bound and determined that this plant would live and grow. it has tripled in size both of them to almost the size the original one was. I am proud of getting this stupid thing to live like this most die off. But here is one of them the other is just as big BUT MAN I AM PROUD OF IT.

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