Sunday, June 8, 2008

See what happens!!!

Ok see what happens I start a Blog and a Long lost missionary from my past shows up and points out that I cannot spell. Yes that is right I SUCK AT SPELLING! LOL I am not sure what is more funny the fact that 23 views he was the only one to point out that my sound it out NABRASKA did not work! Via Texas accent, It is now fix to Nebraska. with the 23 views no one noticed and or just did and say anything. That is funny to if you think about it! Shhhhh you guys don't tell anyone and I am going to tell you a fact! My Cousin is "Daniel Webster!" Yes! The guy who wrote the dictionary.... I am also Kin to Audi Murphy both who did great things. I am full of ideas ,potential and capability more than people know. However I am dealing with this guy all the time, My Husband! For 12 years he has kept me on my toes And then now Five Kids!!! So to get the attention off of my I Suck at spelling I am going to post this so you all can get an idea of the moments we share! Enjoy, Edward with lack of sleep in Paris, France and at his best!!!

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