Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Long Night

Well I was up till Two am watching the fire burn away! I was not sure what to do... Rip photos off the wall, pack suite cases over , put together an updated 72 hour kit, clean the whole house in case I had to have people over to help pack get stuff out, Or take a sleeping pill and go to bed with a prayer in mind that the firemen would get it under control. I tried to add other photos to the blog last night of the past crazy day but, it was not working out because my download sucked. SO I made a Birthday slide and I am going to add a few photos of the fire. It is a strange feeling knowing that you have no control over what is happening outside your home. Mother Nature is in total control here. If the winds pick up things will get bad fast. We watch the weather reports and if they can get it under control today things will be OK. We will have high winds on Thursday. The photos here are just as it started to come over the back side to our side of the hill then it grew. My camera would not pick up the glory of it last night. It was so amazing to watch. I took that sleeping pill and crashed out, I woke up to sounds of big aircraft flying over head. They now seem to have a system going with helicopter and aircraft dumping water like mad. Today is Fathers day and I vote out for Dinner.

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