Sunday, June 8, 2008

Family time in the White Sands Sun

OK see I did not need to get addicted to this blog. and all this time I Just said no. Well so to going with the flow. We started the day off just hanging out at the house. Edward got up made a Big breakfast of French Toast, Sausage, Fresh eggs from our chickens and OJ. That lead us all to the master bed room to lay around and watch TV. At around one Edward got the bright idea to go to our family hang out White Sands. I said NO I was game for a PJ day it was too much work. Edward Won!!! only because he sweet talked me. He told me to stay in the room with the kids he would get it all ready. Guess what we did? Yup we Ruffed it. I have come to the forgone conclusion that women feel they need to pack the whole house for an outing. Edward packed nothing no plates, napkins ,wipes chairs we had to stop for the hot dog buns, coals, ice, Milk for the baby, " we have an ice maker we should not have had to" But all in all I have to say that it was a nice family day. One I think we all needed. Edward works so much and we love to be together as a family. We laugh a lot! But it has been hard for Edward to see and spend time with the kids, work just pulls him away more than it should. Edward has this kite that he brought last year in Portland. He loves to fly it with the kids. At one point when he was flying with Athena she had her hands in the loops right on the edge of a big sand dun when a big gust of wind came along and lifted Athena right off the ground. Edward of course caughter her and fell to the ground with her. Athena giggled and giggled about it. All the kids love it out there. Aiden found the moon for the first time today and wanted to do nothing but to touch it. I have to say to that the clean up went so fast today to. I think I am going to make a Gidget White Sands bag of the goodies I know I will need and let Edward pack from now on Edward and I both really enjoyed the day! I love him so Much! Iam blessed

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