Friday, June 27, 2008

Something I am Proud off

So here is the story. At Christmas time I had a plant given to me by Scott, . He was the camera man on big movies such as things one most of you would know would be Pirates Of The Caribbean. He was working on the Burning Plain when I met him and came to a christmas party that we hosted. When I open the door and seen him and Richard standing there holding this Plant I was so delighted.I loved this plant so much and it was amazing ,lovely, and BIG. The next morning after our Christmas party Aiden tore it up " I cried over a PLANT! a stupid Plant!" Well when Scott found out what happen he replaced it with two smaller ones. I have been so bound and determined that this plant would live and grow. it has tripled in size both of them to almost the size the original one was. I am proud of getting this stupid thing to live like this most die off. But here is one of them the other is just as big BUT MAN I AM PROUD OF IT.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My City Slickers!!!

So today we did a lot. But, for me what is new? I always do a ton of stuff everyday all day! We got up at 8 am and took the kids to summer camp. They are all loving having Uncle Nic here. Nic will be doing volunteering at Gym Magic on Mondays and Weds for a few hours while I am doing my swim classes with Aiden and a class called Stroller Magic. This will give Nic something great to add to his resume and give the kids a chance to spend time with him. So Then we got off to do some shopping at the store. Got the food home put it up then headed out to see Our horse Pony brushed him down. Then headed home drop the two kids off " Aiden and James so that they could nap." Then off to pick up the other kids from Gym Magic. Then Edward and Nic went back out to see the horse and to go on a trail ride. Yup! I think these city slickers had a great time. Can you say COWBOY UP? but man you know what you have to love the view all around us.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My baby brother Nic comes to see us

So my baby brother Nic is here to visit for 23 days we are looking forward to all the fun we are going to have. haa haa haa see the kind of crazy things we get into!

Daddy and Arwen at Sunset today

So Edward got home today and I got the funnest photo of him lifting Arwen up I just love the daddy he is to our children I am so blessed

Welcome to Gym Magic

so i love this place the paintings on the wall are amazing. I just had to share them on this because they are so fun...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Arwen swims like a fish

so here we are Arwen in her swim classes. She loves it she has no fear at all. Here in the video she jumps in but, I just miss her going off the edge because I was a dork and could not get the camera on fast enough! All the little kids keep those bar bells under their arms while in the pool. It looks like great fun for the kids but man stressful for the teachers.Heck! I was just a parent watching and I was getting stressed out. They had three teacher in the room to. But, they did a great job with the kids and all the staff are well trained. Arwen gets swimming lessons two time a week as part of her pre- school classes. It is a very cool thing for the kids. enjoy the video!

Monday, June 23, 2008

A kick back sunday

ok so we have just kick back since Sunday. So this is about that we did on Sunday, With Edward being gone we went on an plan backyard picnic this Sunday at the Tonk"s how. it was a good time and we spent most of our time playing and feeding the kids finger food. Everyone had a great time and I got Sonya hooked into this blog sight. It has been way fun to keep in touch It was such a kick back moment we are a few days late but we have just been kicking back enjoying the summer LOL oh well.

A Lot Of Summer Fun

A Family Trip to Nebraska